Hey there, fellow makers and future 3D designers! Your favorite blind 3D printing enthusiast is back. Are you ready to learn OpenSCAD? This is the ultimate Guide to Accessible 3D Design for Blind and Sighted Users. We’re diving into a text-based CAD program that’s more accessible than my local grocery store. Whether you’re blind like me, partially sighted, or have perfect vision, this guide will show you why OpenSCAD might just become your new favorite design tool.
Why OpenSCAD? (Or: How I Stopped Clicking and Started Coding)
Most 3D design programs expect you to click, drag, and drop your way to creation. That’s great if you can see what you’re clicking, but for those of us who can’t? Not so much. Enter OpenSCAD – where every shape, every measurement, and every transformation lives in beautiful, screen-reader-friendly code.
Here’s what makes it special:
- Text-based design (screen readers rejoice!)
- Parametric modeling (change one number, update everything)
- Version control friendly (git is your friend)
- No mouse required (keyboard warriors unite!)
Getting Started with OpenSCAD (It’s Easier Than You Think)
Think of OpenSCAD like building with LEGO, except instead of using your hands, you’re writing instructions. Let me show you your first 3D design:
// This creates a simple box
cube([10, 20, 30]); // width, depth, height
That’s it! You’ve just created your first 3D object. No clicking, no dragging, just pure, beautiful code. Welcome to the world of text-based 3D design!

Basic OpenSCAD Shapes and Commands (The Building Blocks)
OpenSCAD’s basic shapes are like your starter Pokémon – you’ll use them constantly:
- cube([x,y,z]) – For when you need boxes
- sphere(r=10) – For when you need balls
- cylinder(h=10,r=5) – For when you need, well, cylinders
Making Your Designs Flexible with Parameters
Here’s where OpenSCAD really shines. Instead of hard-coding numbers:
// Bad way (don't do this)
cube([10, 20, 30]);
// Good way (do this instead)
box_width = 10;
box_depth = 20;
box_height = 30;
cube([box_width, box_depth, box_height]);
Now you can change one variable and update your entire design. It’s like magic, but with math!

Combining Shapes in OpenSCAD (The Secret Sauce)
Want to make complex objects? OpenSCAD’s boolean operations are your best friend:
difference() {
cube([30,30,30]); // The main block
cube([20,20,30]); // The hole we're making
Making OpenSCAD Work for Everyone (Accessibility Tips)
For blind and sighted users alike:
- Comment EVERYTHING (seriously, future you will thank present you)
- Use clear, descriptive variable names
- Structure your code logically
- Test small parts before combining
For sighted users:
- Use the preview window wisely
- Leverage the customizer for quick changes
- Color code for organization
- Don’t rely solely on visual feedback
A Real OpenSCAD Example (From My Design Collection)
Here’s a practical example – a customizable iPhone SE cover:
// Added $fn system variable for smoother geometry. 50 seems to be a good balance. Use values like 100 for final export as it will be much better geometry
$fn = 100;
// iPhone SE 2022 Case Dimensions in millimeters
width = 67.3;
height = 138.4;
depth = 7.5;
back_thickness = 2; // Thickness of the case back
edge_thickness = 3; // Thickness of the case edges
corner_radius = 5; // Radius for the rounded corners
phone_corner_radius= 3; // Radius for the rounded corners of phone
lip_height = 1.5; // Height of the lip around the phone
text_height = 0.5; // Height of the raised text
text_size = 10; // Size of the text
// Cutout dimensions
side_button_length = 12.5;
side_button_width = 4;
lightning_width = 17.5;
lightning_height = 5;
volume_button_length = 12.5;
volume_button_width = 4;
ring_switch_width = 4;
ring_switch_height = 6;
// Camera Cutout
camera_y = 10;
//Value used to make clear cut. This is used to solve a freecad bug of //coinciding cutting geometries
// S:- New case profile. As previously used sphere was 5mm and depth of the case was 7.3mm+2+1.5=10.8.
module case_profile(depth,corner_radius){
// Add z translation so that the case will lie flat on the XY plane
// rather than the plane cutting the case in the middle
sphere(r = corner_radius );
cylinder(h=depth-(corner_radius*2),r= corner_radius,center = true);
sphere(r = corner_radius );
module filleted_cube(width,height,depth,fillet){
hull() {
for (x = [-1, 1])
for (y = [-1, 1])
translate([x * (width / 2 - fillet), y * (height / 2 - fillet), 0])
//Replacing with newly created profile
// Function to create the main body of the case with cutouts
module createCase(width=width,height=height,depth=depth,back_thickness=back_thickness,corner_radius=corner_radius)
difference() {
// Outer shell of the case with rounded corners and thicker edges
union() {
filleted_cube(width=width+ edge_thickness,height=height + edge_thickness,depth=depth+back_thickness+lip_height-0.5,fillet=corner_radius);
// Raised text on the back of the case
// S:- Mirror and translate the text so that it will show up right on the back
translate([0, 0, -text_height])
mirror(v = [1,0,0])
linear_extrude(height = text_height)
text("Edis", size = text_size, valign = "center", halign = "center");
//subtracted 2mm height from the inner filleted cube.
translate([-(width - lip_height*2)/2+2, -(height - lip_height*2)/2+2, back_thickness])
cube([width - (lip_height*2)-4, height - (lip_height*2)-4,depth+10],center=false);
//added 1mm in height to the inner filleted cube
translate([0,0, back_thickness])
// Lightning Connector (Bottom Edge)
translate([0, -height / 2 +clearance, depth / 2+back_thickness])
cube([lightning_width, edge_thickness * 2, lightning_height], center = true);
// Big cutout Lightning Connector (Bottom Edge)cutout
translate([0,-10, back_thickness])
filleted_cube(width=width*0.666,height=height ,depth=(depth)-back_thickness+50,fillet=phone_corner_radius*2);
// Volume Buttons (Left Side)
//for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
for (i=[0:1]){
translate([-width / 2+clearance +edge_thickness, height / 4 - i * 20, depth / 2+back_thickness])
cube([edge_thickness * 4, volume_button_length, volume_button_width], center = true);
// Ring/Silent Switch (Left Side, Above Volume Buttons)
translate([-width / 2 +clearance+edge_thickness, height / 2 - 20, depth / 2+back_thickness])
cube([edge_thickness * 4, ring_switch_height, ring_switch_width], center = true);
//moved the camera to the right
//Right slot
translate([width/2, height/2-36, depth / 2+back_thickness+0])
cube([edge_thickness * 4, ring_switch_height+42, ring_switch_width], center = true);
//added a cylinder to make the right lip more rounded
translate([(width - (lip_height*2)-4)/2,((height - (lip_height*2))/2)-2,depth+(edge_thickness-0.5)])
cylinder((height - (lip_height*2))-4,0.5,0.5);
//added a cylinder to make the left lip more rounded
translate([-(width - (lip_height*2)-4)/2,((height - (lip_height*2))/2)-2,depth+(edge_thickness-0.5)])
cylinder((height - (lip_height*2))-4,0.5,0.5);
//added a cylinder to make the top lip more rounded
translate([(width - (lip_height*2)-4)/2,((height - (lip_height*2))/2)-2,depth+(edge_thickness-0.5)])
cylinder((width - (lip_height*2)-4),0.5,0.5);
//added a cylinder to make the bottom lip more rounded
translate([(width - (lip_height*2)-4)/2,-((height - (lip_height*2))/2)+2,depth+(edge_thickness-0.5)])
cylinder((width - (lip_height*2)-4),0.5,0.5);
translate([0,-10, back_thickness+5])
filleted_cube(width=width*0.667,height=height ,depth=(depth)-back_thickness-2,fillet=phone_corner_radius*2);
// Create camera cutout object and moving it to the top-left corner
module camera_cutout(){
translate([ -width/2,height/2,0])
cylinder(h=back_thickness*2, d=camera_cutout_width, center = true);
translate([ camera_cutout_len-camera_cutout_width-width/2,height/2,0])
cylinder(h=back_thickness*2, d=camera_cutout_width, center = true);
// Call the createCase module to render the case
There you go! If you visit my
you can find many more OpenSCAD designs that you can download and play with.
Why OpenSCAD Matters for Accessible Design
OpenSCAD isn’t just accessible – it’s powerful. When you’re forced to think in code:
- Your designs become more precise
- Changes are easi to make
- Sharing designs is simple
- Version control comes naturally
Common OpenSCAD Mistakes to Avoid
Learn from my fails:
- Don’t nest too deep (it’s not a Russian doll)
- Keep modules focused (one job per module)
- Back up your code (ask me how I learned this one)
- Test incrementally (small steps, big wins)

Final Thoughts on OpenSCAD and Accessible Design
OpenSCAD might seem intimidating at first, but it’s like learning to touch type – once you get it, you’ll wonder how you ever did things differently. Whether you’re blind, sighted, or somewhere in between, give it a shot. Your 3D designs (and your wrists) will thank you.
Until next time, keep coding, keep creating, and remember – in OpenSCAD, we’re all just typing in the dark!
Need help getting started with OpenSCAD? Drop your questions in the comments below, and let’s build something awesome together!